
Airing concerns: how radio raises community voices in Tanzania

Between 13 February and 20 March 2020, Media for Community Empowerment (MACS) aired #ClaimYourWaterRights radio shows in Morogoro and Zanzibar, Tanzania. MACS' work is part of End Water Poverty's international mobilisation campaign, which aims to awaken people to the injustice of water shortages and spur them to claim their human rights to safe water and sanitation.


Assessing agroforestry practices and soil and water conservation for climate change adaptation in Kenya: A cost-benefit analysis

This study was carried out under the Integrating Agricultural Sectors into National Adaptation Plans programme, with the aim of capacity building, generating evidence-based results for selecting adaptation options, and informing adaptation policy dialogues on adaptation in agriculture.

Designs for dwellings; strategies for managing human-animal contact in Sierra Leone

The interaction between human beings and animals is beneficial but is also characterized with unintended consequences often threatening to humans, animals and their environment (Atlas and Maloy, 2014, Nading, 2013, Brown and Nading, 2019). Across sub-Saharan Africa where human and animal interaction often takes place within and around social and domestic spaces, human relationships with animals are sometimes marked with a host of unwanted contacts.


Transport as gendered employment practice in sub-Saharan Africa

When it comes to gender equality in employment, transport as a sector has done very poorly. Overall employment statistics can be difficult to find in sub-Saharan Africa, given the informal nature of much employment but the fact remains that women are under-represented across the sector. The transport sector is a cornerstone of the infrastructure necessary for the delivery of goods and services. It further provides access to skills acquisition and income generation.


Towards the end game: operational research on improving rural housing in sub-Saharan Africa as a strategy to support malaria elimination

Most of malaria infection in sub-Saharan Africa occurs indoors and at night. In 2018, this region accounted for 213 million malaria cases and 380,700 malaria-related deaths. Malaria has consequences for the health status of the population, as well as in education, production, economy, and development.


The Politics and Ethics of Water Security in Cape Town

From 2015-2018, the City of Cape Town in South Africa underwent a severe drought resulting in a water crisis. The city set strict water restrictions to avoid what was called “day zero”: the day that six of Cape Town’s rain-fed dams supplying water to the city would become critically low, leading to the shutting of taps and establishment of water collection points across the city.


Soil health Improvement Technologies (SITs) to Enhance Drought and Nutrient Resilience in Zimbabwean Soils

Severe food insecurity and hunger have increased in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and this has been partly attributed to climate change and soil degradation. It is estimated that more than two-thirds of agricultural land in SSA is severely degraded and that production of major food crops including maize will decline by more than 30% by 2050 due to rising temperatures and changing rainfall patterns.


Law’s Dynamic Effects: The Case of South Africa

This project investigates the implementation and operation of the National Minimum Wage Act, 9 of 2018 through a qualitative small-scale study of the domestic work and garment sectors in South Africa. The broad research aims are to understand how labour laws apply in informal workplace settings (or spaces where labour law does not commonly operate), and the processes and strategies used by workers and other relevant stakeholders in achieving improved working conditions.
