
UN ESCAP has designed Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) booklets in English, Chinese, Russian, Korean, and Japanese. These booklets, detailing the 17 SDGs and their 169 targets, are a perfect desk resource for fast reference to the SDG targets.You can download the PDFs at the bottom of the page or, alternatively, view the e-booklets below. 


Over the past few decades, the Asia-Pacific region has witnessed significant social development driven by economic growth, which has generated new jobs, increased labour incomes, strengthened social protection systems, and improved access to basic services and other amenities. Nevertheless, South Asian countries continue to face a wide range of systemic challenges that undermine inclusive and sustainable development.

Agrifood companies and relevant private sector actors are key partners in meeting the global agenda for addressing climate change. The SCALA programme recognizes the unique role of the private sector in spurring innovation and investment for transformative climate action in the agriculture and land use sectors.

The world is facing a series of multiple and interlinked crises; a perfect storm that is testing the limits of current development paradigms. As countries and cities across Asia and the Pacific struggle to recover from the socioeconomic crisis resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the climate crisis continues to ravage the region.

Throughout Asia and the Pacific, Governments are striving towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the ambitious objectives of reaching the furthest behind first, but the progress is insufficient and has in fact, decelerated.

The Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Report (APTIR) is a biennial publication prepared by the Trade, Investment and Innovation Division of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific to provide insights into the impact of recent and emerging developments in trade and foreign direct investment on countries’ abilities to meet the challenges of achieving sustainable development.

Since the incursion of COVID-19 pandemic, the region has been hit by multiple natural and biological disasters, while climate change has continued to warm the world, exacerbating the impacts. This has reshaped and expanded the Asia-Pacific riskscape.

This publication is a supplement to the UNFCCC NAP Technical Guidelines. The supplement focuses particularly on the opportunities that the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process provides to national authorities and stakeholders for integrating risk-centred approaches and in creating synergies and effective connections with disaster risk reduction efforts.

At this writing, eighteen months have passed since the Covid-19 outbreak was declared a pandemic by WHO. It has tested the responsiveness of governments and the resilience of economic systems everywhere; it has changed social behaviour and personal habits in ways previously unthinkable.

Part I of the report addresses how the current expansive mode of development degrades and exceeds the Earth’s finite capacity to sustain human well-being. The world is failing to meet most of its commitments to limit environmental damage and this increasingly threatens the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).