This publication is a supplement to the UNFCCC NAP Technical Guidelines. The supplement focuses particularly on the opportunities that the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process provides to national authorities and stakeholders for integrating risk-centred approaches and in creating synergies and effective connections with disaster risk reduction efforts. It should be used in conjunction with the NAP guidelines10 as it uses the four elements outlined in that document as its basis.
It was also developed to foster better understanding of the process to formulate and implement NAPs (NAP process) and to identify synergies with National DRR Strategies, with the end view of achieving resilient development. This guidance also outlines some considerations that can be taken by planning authorities (e.g., ministries of planning, finance, etc.) in national planning processes to comprehensively address climate and disaster risks within development planning.
This guidance note is meant for the national authorities leading the process of developing and/or updating the NAP as well as all actors and stakeholders contributing to development of the NAP, especially in the least developed countries (LDCs). These practitioners are already familiar with the NAP Technical Guidelines developed by the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) and have been seeking additional inputs for integrating risk-centred approaches, related DRR good practices in developing and implementing NAPs.
The document can also be used by disaster risk management authorities to better understand the process to formulate and implement NAPs and synergies with DRR strategy design and therefore provide support and contribute to their development. This guidance also outlines some considerations that can be taken by planning authorities (e.g., ministries of planning, finance, etc.) in national planning processes to comprehensively address climate and disaster risks within development planning and effectively shape resilient development.