

The World Adaptation Science Programme (WASP) is a UN-wide initiative by UNEP, WMO, UNFCCC, IPCC, GCF and the GEF, focusing on bridging the knowledge gap and strengthening the science-policy interface in the field of climate adaptation. The WASP was launched at the UNFCCC COP24 in Katowice,… view more


Energy impacts everything we do, from providing basic services such as cooking and cleaning to providing development opportunities and improving overall quality of life. However, energy management, through energy production, transmission, and distribution, is impacted by environmental and climate conditions, including… view more

African Women at the Market

This international technical webinar is part of the series organized by the FAO elearning Academy, Agreenium (French training and research alliance for agriculture, food, environment and global health), UN-ESCAP (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific), and Future Food Institute. These… view more


NASA’s Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET) has opened a new open, online webinar series: view more

CBI Logo
Climate Bonds Initiative

Transitioning to a zero-carbon economy remains one of the greatest challenges facing the planet, critical to ensuring we hit international targets to tackle climate change and save the natural world from irreversible degradation.

Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI) has been working to cultivate principles for… view more

Women in Africa

This international technical webinar is part of the series organized by the FAO elearning Academy, Agreenium (l’alliance de la formation et la recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation, l'environnement et la santé globale) UN-ESCAP (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific) and Future… view more

Webinar Banner

NASA’s Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET) has opened a new open, online webinar series: Introduction to Population Grids and their Integration with Remote Sensing Data for Sustainable Development and Disaster Management

This 2- part training,… view more

NDC Partnership
NDC Partnership

The building sector exhibits massive untapped potential for climate mitigation and adaptation: buildings accounted for the largest share of energy-related CO2 emissions (38 percent) in 2019. With rising incomes, urbanization, and population growth, the built surface is set to double by 2060. Most new buildings are… view more

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Forests, and forest monitoring in particular, are critical to ensuring that countries stay on target with emission reduction goals within the framework of the Paris Agreement. A robust National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS) can support the formulation, monitoring and adjustment of sub- and national forest-related… view more