This course focuses on SDG Indicator 5.a.1, which is one of two indicators that focus on women’s ownership and/or control over agricultural land. As this is a statistical based indicator, after introducing its key concepts, definitions and rationale, the course offers detailed guidance both on data collection and manipulation, and computation of the various sub-indicators.
The target audience of this course includes:
- Directors and senior staff of national statistical offices
- Statisticians of national statistical offices
- FAO regional statisticians
- Policy makers or advisors
- Representatives from legal and human rights institutions
The course consists of 4 lessons, ranging from approximately 30 to 40 minutes duration each:
- Lesson 1 Introduction to indicator on equal tenure rights for women on agricultural land
- Lesson 2 Definitions
- Lesson 3 Collecting the data
- Lesson 4 Computing the 5.a.1 Indicator
Course Category