The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), the Seoul Metropolitan Government and CityNet have established the Urban SDG Knowledge Platform to promote and support knowledge sharing and city-to-city cooperation for sustainable urban development.
The Social Protection Toolbox is a platform that provides support to policymakers and stakeholders for moving toward broader and more robust social protection systems. Using multimedia and data visualization techniques, the Toolbox aims to present the argument for strengthening and broadening social protection in a user-friendly and interactive fashion.
A novel tool for flexible spatial and temporal analyses of much of the observed and projected climate change information underpinning the Working Group I contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report, including regional synthesis for Climatic Impact-Drivers (CIDs).
The National SDG Tracker is a tool for countries to track progress on the SDGs. It allows countries to add their data, enter national target values, and visualize progress in a few simple steps.
Under the Decent Work in Garment Supply Chains Asia project, the ILO is releasing a "Just Transition Toolkit". The Toolkit looks at how to drive behaviours and practices throughout the textile and garment supply chain in Asia, and will provide specific advice on just transition in the garment sector to social partners and industry stakeholders groups including: governments and policy actors, enterprises, workers. The Toolkit consists of reports, briefs, highlights, videos and infographics on the following topics: best practice environmental regulation and policy settings; eco-innovation processes and barriers to uptake; multi-stakeholder initiatives; and just transition in the sector.
This toolkit equips advocates with tactics and strategies to hold governments accountable for guaranteeing people's access to water and sanitation. It starts by guiding readers through the international human rights framework, outlining people's entitlements, the state's obligations, and the various accountability mechanisms advocates can use to pursue justice.
Empowering children to be heroic leaders for change and believe in the impact they can have on the planet is crucial. Meet our eight superheroes. Each of their missions has downloadable content including activities for kids to do with the help of an adult.
Transparency is fast becoming the new paradigm for conducting business. Transparency underlies Target 12.6 of the SDGs, to encourage companies to adopt sustainable practices and integrate sustainability information into their reporting. Through better reporting, organizations can understand, communicate, and better manage their contributions to the SDGs.
As a multi-stakeholder alliance of over 100 member institutions from public, private and civil society organizations, the SRP offers the global rice supply chain a set of proven instruments to facilitate widescale adoption of sustainable rice production practices, such as:
- SRP Standard for Sustainable Rice Cultivation
- SRP Performance Indicators for Sustainable Rice Cultivation
- SRP Assurance Scheme
Target Areas of Relevancy and Contribution to Achieving SDGs: Gender Equality (SDG 5); Zero Hunger and No Poverty (SDGs 2, 1); Nexus of water, climate action and habitat (SDGs 6, 13, 15); Responsible Consumption and Production, and Partnerships (SDGs 12, 17).