
Browse through toolboxes, providing access to models, methodologies and guidance to support policy makers in the implementation of the SDGs.

Convinced that the SDGs should not be separated from the global community who forged them, Gaia Education, in partnership with UNESCO GAP Secretariat, developed an educational tool – the SDGs Flashcards – and the associated Training for Multipliers to ensure their effective use. The Flashcards have been translated in to five official UN languages and support the vitally important conversations on how to implement the 17 SDGs and their 169 targets at the local and regional scale, in ways that are carefully adapted to the biocultural uniqueness of each location.

The development of the domestic financial sector and the integration of local, national, regional and international markets have increased the number of options the public and private sector can choose from to invest in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This platform offers a compass to navigate across those options or financing solutions. 

The SFM Toolbox is a new, comprehensive package of tools, best practices and examples of their application. It will be a valuable resource for a wide range of users, especially public and private forest and land managers, as well as the staff of extension services and civil-society, non-governmental and private-sector organizations with roles in promoting SFM.

This toolkit has been developed as an exploratory and interactive tool for organizations of persons with disabilities (DPOs) on the monitoring mechanisms of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) implementation, called Voluntary National Reviews. The toolkit aims to provide step-by-step guidance, ideas, suggestions and templates for building successful advocacy campaigns and strategies to participate in the monitoring mechanisms of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The German Development Institute (DIE) and the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) launched a tool that highlights synergies between the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) submitted by countries under the Paris Agreement on climate change.

The Accelerator is designed to support educators and change-makers of all kinds who are working to advance sustainability learning and action. While the format and visual look of the package has evolved over time (see below), the core tools have remained essentially the same. Lead designer Alan AtKisson likens them to a “Microsoft Office for running sustainability processes — except they’re not computer apps, so they don’t crash.”

IGES has developed this on-line tool supporting integrated SDG policy making. It allows to visualise the quantified causal links between SDG targets, helps identify potential synergies and trade-offs and enables comparison of country progress and performance over time for nine Asian countries (BGD, KHM, CHN, IND, IDN, ROK, PHL and VNM). 

5DWMS provides a multi-dimensional global knowledge platform to collect and analyze ‘real time’ data on SDGs-related phenomena. The system integrates the analytical visualization of sensing data into a knowledge sharing with multimedia (images, videos, etc.), which helps community-based data sharing, awareness building and evidence-based decision making.

Since 2015, ITCILO has been putting efforts in investigating the potential of using game elements for increased engagement, participation and impact. This online portfolio aims at describing the main projects completed so far.