weADAPT is an online ‘open space’ on climate adaptation issues (including the synergies between adaptation and mitigation) which allows practitioners, researchers and policy makers to access credible, high quality information and to share experiences and lessons learnt with the weADAPT community. It is designed to facilitate learning, exchange, collaboration and knowledge integration to build a professional community of research and practice on adaptation issues while developing policy-relevant tools and guidance for adaptation planning and decision-making.
In the spirit of UN coherence and cooperation, the United Nations Interagency Network on Youth (hereinafter the “APINY”), aims to increase the effectiveness of UN work in youth development by strengthening collaboration and peer-exchange among relevant UN entities, civil society organizations and youth, while respecting and harnessing the benefits of their individual strengths and unique approaches and mandates.
The Agriculture-Nutrition Community of Practice (Ag2Nut CoP) is a global network of professionals working on issues pertaining to the intersection of agriculture and nutrition. The group is informal, and facilitates the sharing of information as well as networking among participants. The need for this community arose in June 2010 when several people discovered that they were writing policy briefs for their respective institutions on how to link agriculture and nutrition. The community emerged to facilitate communication and discussion, so that members could communicate with a common set of responses to the degree possible and appropriate, to the broader development community.
The UNSCN has offered to provide a space on the UNSCN website for interested individuals to come together and join the Nutrition-Agriculture CoP.
The Nutrition and Climate change eGroup is an ad hoc online discussion forum, created with the aim of bringing a nutrition lens into climate change issues and increasing the participation of interested sectors to discuss how this can be achieved and what the priorities are. This eGroup also identifies opportunities for the nutrition agenda and weaknesses that hinder the participation of nutrition in such debates. It also aims to influence the agendas of the research community and the traditional nutrition donors.
The UN System Standing Committee on Nutrition (UNSCN) is a willing advocacy partner to strengthen the participation of nutrition on on-going and future climate change discussions.
The e-discussion forum for Nutrition & non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) is a virtual space dedicated to sharing ideas, knowledge and experience on how to make nutrition considerations more central to NCD action on the ground. Of special concern is the high burden of malnutrition in all its forms in low- and middle-income countries.
This e-discussion forum aims to contribute to building programming and policy development capacities of various groups of stakeholders in these countries and globally.
The Accelerated Reduction Effort on Anaemia (AREA) Community of Practice (CoP) aims to support members of the global community dedicated to improving and scaling up existing methods and strategies for anaemia reduction in a holistic and cohesive manner; and to build consensus for engagement in AREA at the global, regional and national level and commit to the achievement of the Global Nutrition Targets 2025 endorsed by the 65th World Health Assembly.