
Network and forums connecting people, organization, resources, and best practices for sustainable development
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Community of Practice (CoP) on food loss and waste reduction

The web-based Community of Practice (CoP) on food loss and waste reduction serves as a global convener and an integrator of knowledge on post-harvest loss (PHL) and food waste reduction. It offers a platform to facilitate linkages and information sharing amongst stakeholders and relevant networks, projects and programs.

Global Youth Climate Network

The Global Youth Climate Network (GYCN) is an initiative under the World Bank Group’s (WBG) Youth-to-Youth (Y2Y) Community. GYCN aims to engage the youth community both within and outside the WBG to participate in climate initiatives that raise awareness on climate issues and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Our programs are action-driven, through active engagement with young climate leaders worldwide and partnerships with various organizations.

UN Global Compact

You can help make our world better. Businesses, civil society organizations, business associations, labour organizations, academic institutions and cities are all invited to join us in shaping a sustainable future. Whether you are new to corporate sustainability or more advanced, there is a place for you in the UN Global Compact. The UN Global Compact provides a universal language for corporate responsibility and provides a framework to guide all businesses regardless of size, complexity or location. We are your guide every step of the way. We will help you commit to, assess, define, implement, measure and communicate your sustainability strategy. 

NDC Partnership

The NDC Partnership is open to countries and international institutions that are committed to ambitious implementation of nationally determined contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. By joining the NDC Partnership, members gain access to a global network of knowledge and resources to support their work in climate action. Benefits include, but are not limited to acquiring access to a large network of partners that can deliver a flexible array of services geared towards implementation of NDCs.

Local 2030

Local2030: Localizing the SDGs is a network and platform that supports the on-the-ground delivery of the SDGs, with a focus on those furthest behind. It is a convergence point between local and regional governments and their associations, national governments, businesses, community-based organizations and other local actors, and the United Nations system. Local2030 supports local leaders in collaboratively incubating and sharing solutions, unlocking bottlenecks and implementing strategies that advance the SDGs at the local level.

Via this online platform, Local2030 partners are sharing tools, experiences, new solutions and guides to support SDG localization. A core feature is the toolbox, which contains a range of concrete, practical and adaptable mechanisms and instruments that support the development, implementation, monitoring and review of locally-appropriate SDG actions.

use (urban sustainability exchange)

use (urban sustainability exchange) is a knowledge exchange platform dedicated to sustainable city making. use connects citymakers and encourages the exchange of ideas and experiences to effect positive sustainable change.

Solevaka Community Space

Solevaka is an online knowledge and engagement platform designed for development professionals to work together as a community. Their ambition is to accelerate the attainment of the 17 SDGs and Agenda 2030 in line with the Pacific Roadmap for Sustainable Development and the SAMOA Pathway.

South-South Galaxy

South-South Galaxy, a global knowledge sharing and partnership brokering platform, supported by UNOSSC, UN agencies and development partners, serves as a consolidated South-South solutions platform for Southern partners the UN system and acts as a one-stop-shop for all partners to utilize.

South-South Galaxy connects and links all of the existing South-South knowledge sharing platforms, making it easier for Southern partners to access, navigate and use. It will enable users to access a broad range of knowledge, solutions, research, partners and capacity building initiatives.

The One Planet network has formed to implement the commitment of the 10YFP. It is a multi-stakeholder partnership for sustainable development, generating collective impact through its six programmes: Public Procurement, Buildings and Construction, Tourism, Food Systems, Consumer Information, and Lifestyles and Education. This is a place for cooperation, collaboration and harmonizing efforts to deliver real change.