Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience
Since the incursion of COVID-19 pandemic, the region has been hit by multiple natural and biological disasters, while climate change has continued to warm the world, exacerbating the impacts. This has reshaped and expanded the Asia-Pacific riskscape.
This 6- part training will be delivered in English and Spanish and will provide lectures and case studies focused on the use of Earth observations for operational fire monitoring: pre-, during-, and post-event.
UNDP has delivered an Outlook paper on Communities and Local Resilience. This video summarizes UNDP's Outlook paper on communities and local resilience and presents information on progress, gaps and challenges in strengthening resilience of communities.
These documents present the status of climate resilience under each of the four resilience outlooks and identify good practices and examples.
Population distribution data is essential for planning and decision-making in regions faced by crisis or conflict, and they are also useful for monitoring progress towards the sustainable development goals (SDGs).
For World Cities Day on 31st October, we follow the story of how the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is working with San Salvador city and its surrounding coffee farms to create a ‘natural’ defence against floods.
With its rich history and multicultural cities, Bosnia and Herzegovina is an inspiring example of cosmopolitanism and green urban renewal.
This Guide aims to help empower museums (small, large and of any kind, anywhere), museum workers, museum networks and their partners to draw on Disaster Risk Reduction approaches.