United Nations

Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Trade

ARTNeT is an open regional network of research and academic institutions and think-tanks with a keen interest in addressing international trade and investment policy and facilitation issues in the context of sustainable development.

ARTNeT is an initiative of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific with support from several international donors and national development agencies

APCICT Virtual Academy

The APCICT Virtual Academy, an online distance learning platform launched in June 2009, is part of the multi-channel delivery mechanism that APCICT employs in the implementation of its flagship ICT for development (ICTD) capacity building programmes.


UNOSAT is the United Nations Satellite Centre, hosted at the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). Created in 2001, it has become a knowledge centre within the UN system, promoting evidence-based decision making for peace, security and resilience using geo-spatial information technologies. UNOSAT’s mission is to provide Member States, UN agencies, non-governmental organizations and international organizations with coordinated geo-spatial analysis and develop capacities for geo-information technology towards achieving the SDGs.