Integrated Action on Biodiversity/Ecosystem, Health and Climate

Safeguarding Ecosystem Health

A regional e-learning course on Integrated Action on Biodiversity/Ecosystems, Health and Climate for ESCAP member states and stakeholders. The e-learning course was developed in partnership between the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (ESCAP) and the French Embassy in Thailand.


The purpose of the e-learning course is to share the latest knowledge approaches and techniques to raise ambition in tackling urgent environmental issues, specifically Biodiversity, Climate Change and Health in the context of COVID-19. The course has the aim of exploring the interconnectedness of these issues and the need to engage on this topic in order to reach the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and prevent future zoonoses.

The objectives of this eLearning course are to:

  • Explore the interconnectedness of Biodiversity/Ecosystems, Climate Change and Health, with specific reference to COVID-19.
  • Generate a greater awareness around stewardship of ecosystems, biodiversity and climate, and raise ambition to make progress, in an integrated manner, on these issues in Asia and the Pacific
  • Share best practices for applying a nexus approach to these issues
  • Highlight the need for regional collaboration in meeting these challenges