Humans of MY World Stories

Humans of MY World stories

Humans of MY World (HOMY) stories showcase personal testimonies from around the world on why the SDGs matter to people and their communities. Inspired by “Humans of New York”, HOMY reveals the individual impact in achieving the SDGs. Translated into local languages, and built from the communities, it complements data gathering for the global MY World 2030 survey ( 

Two dedicated toolkits, namely Humans of MY World Toolkit ( and MY World 2030 Impact Stories ( help with the creation of SDG human-interest stories, including tips on how to conduct the best interviews, how to take perfect HOMY photos, and how to submit the series to the UN SDG Action Campaign for publication on social media.

Humans of MY World (HOMY) stories:

Organisational Background

The United Nations SDG Action Campaign is a special initiative of the UN Secretary-General administered by the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and mandated to support the UN system-wide and the Member States on advocacy and public engagement in the SDG implementation. 
Building on innovative and impactful engagement techniques deployed since 2002, the UN SDG Action Campaign intends to create awareness about the 2030 Agenda, empower and inspire people across the world to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) while generating political will, and help make the Goals attainable by 2030.

The UN SDG Action Campaign commits to:

  • Engage stakeholders and individuals to support member states and UN Country Teams in the SDGs implementation through direct people’s engagement
  • Encourage public ownership of the SDGs in every country through creative and innovative communications, campaigning and policy advocacy
  • Sponsor people-driven processes to strengthen accountability mechanism and monitor SDG progress through generation/collection of data, evidence, and sentiment about the impact of the SDGs 
United Nations SDG Action Campaign