SDG3 Good Health and Well-Being

How Space Technology Applications Contributed to Combating COVID-19: Development of LAPAN Hub COVID-19

Experts at the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space of Indonesia (LAPAN) developed the LAPAN Hub COVID-19 to integrate satellite-derived, geospatial and statistical data in a user-friendly interface designed to help decision makers identify high risk areas. This risk data is delivered to the government and public rapidly, in near-real time, and continuously through a reliable platform.

Safeguarding the 2030 Agenda by harmonizing climate action plans with green recovery

4 June 2021 – The world is still grappling with the profound economic, social, and environmental impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. These impacts offer a glimpse of what the land use and agriculture sectors will endure if a systemic transformation towards climate resilience is not achieved by 2030. To tackle this challenge, FAO and UNDP are making sure COVID-19 considerations and green recovery are central to countries’ climate action plans for agriculture.